As with English, Spanish has many regional variations. Accents vary from country to country and even vocabulary changes. If someone from England asked you to pass them some chips or  a torch, they’d give you a funny look if you handed over a bag of Doritos or a flaming branch. What they really wanted were French fries or a flashlight!

In Chile, even the Spanish language is given another name, castellano instead of español, in reference to the region of Spain where the dialect originated. Here are some other words that are different here:

Chilean                             General Spanish                          English
zapallo                               calabaza                                        pumpkin
guata                                 vientre/panza                                 belly
palta                                  aguacate                                        avocado
choclo                                máiz                                               corn
chala                                 sandalia                                          sandal
guagua                              bebé                                               baby
fome                                  aburrido                                          boring
porotos                              frijoles                                             beans

There are also some pronunciation differences that can make listening to Chileans confusing for non-native speakers:

  • In Chilean Spanish, the “S” is often dropped when not the first letter of a word. Gracias (thank you) becomes gracia (which sounds like gracia – funniness or grace), and “Que querías?” (what did you want) becomes “Que quería?” (which could be misinterpreted as “what did I want?” or “what did he want?”). Tricky, right?
  • Words that end in –ado are usually clipped, so pelado (bald) sound like pelao, with no “D”. This is extra confusing in words like pescado (fish), which becomes pecao since it loses both the “S” and the “D”!!
  • In informal situations between friends, the second person singular of verbs changes from –as to –ai or from –es/-is to –ís. So hablas is hablai and tienes is tenís, but since the “S” gets dropped it sounds like tení.

Let’s look at some short conversations in Chilean Spanish with dropped letters and a little bit of slang, standard Spanish and English:

Chilean                                            Standard Spanish                               English
Cómo estai?                                     Cómo estás?                                        How are you?
Ma' o meno' no ma'.                         Más o menos no más.                          Only so-so.

Vení pa' ca'?                                     Vienes para acá?                                 Are you coming over here?
Ya*, voy pa'lla al tiro**.                      Sí, voy para allá de inmediato.            Yes, I'm going over right away. 

* In addition to "already" in Chile, ya also means "yes".                               
**Al tiro literally means "at the shot", referring to the shot fired at the beginning of a race.

All of this was difficult for me when I first arrived, but after two years it comes as second nature. All it takes is a little practice, cachai*?

* Slang for "you get it?"!
While the East Coast is being blanketed by winter storms, here in Chile the summer sun is in full force. And when the mercury rises, how better to escape the heat than with refreshing treats? One of Chile's favorite thirst quenchers is mote con huesillos, a sweet, syrupy snack made of whole dried peaches and husked wheat. This drink may not look too appetizing and the peach pits can be a bit tricky to handle politely, but when you're running errands downtown and need a little pick-me-up, nothing hits the spot quite like one of these purchased ice cold from a street cart.
Another summer specialty are humitas, a mix of freshly ground corn, onions, basil, and lard, wrapped in corn husks and boiled. They can be served either sweetened with sugar or savory as shown here, accompanied by ensalada chilena, a tomato and onion salad.
In the US, many people associate barbecues with summer. Here, barbecue season starts at the end of winter, but really picks up in the summer months as people try to escape the heat of their kitchens. A typical barbecue consists of a big hunk of beef seasoned only with a generous amount of salt, but can also include chorizo, pork or prietas (blood sausages), as shown in the picture, or chicken. You won't catch any hamburgers or hot dogs on these grills!
If you really miss the buns that hamburgers and hot dogs come on, you might be happy to know that there's an alternative: choripan. Chorizo slipped inside a crunchy bread called marraqueta, this sandwich is a plate-free finger food best for staving off hunger pangs as you wait for the star of the show, the beef, to finish cooking.
And what's for dessert? Watermelon straight form the refrigerator sprinkled with harina tostada. Harina tostada is a flour ground from freshly roasted wheat, and it adds a warm, rounded flavor to the melon. ¡Provecho!
What sort of landscape do you imagine when you think about South America? Sunny beaches and palm trees? Or maybe hot, humid jungles?

If this is how you've been picturing Chile, think again! Chile is as long as the United States is wide, but as narrow as Connecticut. Its climate ranges from dry deserts in the North,
to Mediterranean farmland in the middle,
to temperate rain forests in the South,
and glaciers in Tierra del Fuego.

I live in Chile's capital, Santiago. Here, historical architecture stands its ground alongside glass skyscrapers, just like in Philadelphia where I grew up. The city is crisscrossed by subway lines and bus routes that connect even the farthest corners and make it easy to get from here to there.
Ñuñoa, the neighborhood where I live, is very residential. Its a mix of older, single family houses and of apartment buildings that have sprung up in the last 20 years. Wherever you are in the city, and in most places in the country, you can make out the Andes mountains in the background. They're snow-covered in winter and bare in the summer, but they'll always let you know which way is east!
Since the country is so skinny, you can go from the coast to the highest mountains in just a few hours. So not only does the climate change slowly along Chile's length, it also varies dramatically within the 100 miles that make up its width. All of this makes for spectacular traveling, so I hope you enjoy as I share with you my most memorable Chilean experiences!